Mystic Whipler

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Mystic Whipler can be found in the following packs:


Prefix V Skill3 Weapons
907 47 Y
908 41 Y
909 35 Y


Prefix V D2 D3 Weapons
904 17 Brooz Ragnor
904 36 Blackfire Kro
905 11 Brooz Ragnor
905 30 Blackfire Kro
906 24 Blackfire Kro
906 5 Brooz Ragnor


Prefix V D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 Weapons
904 3 Blackfire Shadespine Mystic Tecton Thundor Vendral
905 10 Blackfire Shadespine Mystic Tecton Thundor Vendral
906 5 Blackfire Shadespine Mystic Tecton Thundor Vendral
907 2 Mystic Fyra Gorgor Grimserver Perros Vendral
907 9 Shadespine Sinder Reaver Tenser Mystic Vendral
908 15 Mystic Fyra Gorgor Grimserver Perros Vendral
908 3 Shadespine Sinder Reaver Tenser Mystic Vendral
909 13 Shadespine Sinder Reaver Tenser Mystic Vendral
909 6 Mystic Fyra Gorgor Grimserver Perros Vendral